I'm a pro at being distracted. I'm supposed to be writing a book report (I thought those were for, like, middle school...apparently not), and I am writing it. It's because of the book that I'm chasing the squirrel (UP? Remember the dog? Whatever.) to write this. The book I'm reading is The Culture Code by Clotaire Rapaille. It's about the unconscious descriptors and causes we assign to things in our culture. For example, the American culture code for "car" is "identity", while the German culture code for "car" is "engineering". Americans are more concerned with how the car makes them look than with how it's built. I just got to the chapter on Money and Work. According to Rapaille, the code for "work" is "who you are". Sadly, I think he's right on. How many people find their identity in what they do, even if they don't like it? How often do we make snap judgments based what their li...