I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I think I'm crippled by options. There are too many things that I could do or want to do, even when they're out of my comfort zone. But there I sit, day after day, in my comfort zone: a job that I know how to do but am not excited by. So many things that I think I want to do with my life can be broken down into a pros/cons set like the following: I could be a counselor. Pros: I like helping people. I like to see people grab on to a purpose. I have been told I give practical advice. Cons: My favorite phrase is "deal with it". A lot of other job fields can be broken down like that. They sounds interesting, and some parts of them I'd be good at, but others I'm not so sure about. So I give up on one idea, and move on to the next. And the next. And the next. And still I sit in my comfort zone: a job I know how to do, but am not challenged by. At some point, it has to stop. If I spend all my ti...