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Showing posts from November, 2013

One Matters

Pennies seem insignificant. I mean, would you toss a hundred dollar bill in a fountain? Heck no. But a penny? Well, what have you got to lose? Not much. Until you go to purchase a $1.01 pack of gum and realize you tossed the penny the fountain and made some dumb wish about having a million dollars. Suddenly, that little penny is very significant.  Unless your wish for a million dollars came true (which it won't), no penny = no gum. In a country of 5,797,000 people, Sierra Leone is "home" to 320,000 orphans. That means 5% of the country's population is made up of orphans. India has a population of 1,200,000,000 people. A moderate estimate of Indian nationals enslaved/in debt bondage/etc is about 50,000,000 people. That means that 4% of the population is in slavery. Then you go to the grocery store, or out to eat, or walk down the street and see people who are clearly hurting. When you start thinking in terms of numbers of hurting people- even the number we come a...