My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last week. Suddenly, our lives are going to be very different. While my head knows the Lord’s promises, and I can say yeah, God will use this for His glory somehow, my heart has been avoiding Him- except to fling questions at Him. Why my dad, God? He’s always tried to serve You and teach us to do the same. He hasn’t done any of the common things that people blame cancer on. Why him? This morning, I decided I’d just skip my Bible time because I really just didn’t want to talk to God today. So I read my mindless fiction book instead… And about two pages in, the bishop in the book was preaching a sermon on Paul’s instructions to give thanks in all circumstances. Blast. I suppose the “you can run but you can’t hide” statement is never more accurate than when we’re talking about God. At least God got my attention while reading a harmless book and I didn’t have to spend time in a whale’s stomach. So this morning, I’m making a list of...