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Showing posts from June, 2019

What Fills the Void

Sometimes I struggle with being joyful for others’ joyful life events. Sometimes it feels like life is moving on without me. Maybe you read that and I already have the thing that you so badly want and you wonder, how could I feel that way when I already have the thing that fills the ache? The thing that if you could just get there, life would feel complete? Hard truth: That good thing you’re wanting- Landing that job, getting that house, meeting the right person, having that baby, taking that trip, making your dream a reality- that thing that you think will fix the ache or fill the void or be the missing piece? It won’t. It might fill you for a moment, but ultimately you will always, always be left wanting until Jesus becomes the thing that you want above all other things. Preaching to myself.

If Father's Day is Hard

All throughout scripture, God is referred to as “Father”. Often our experiences trump our head knowledge when we draw conclusions, and it’s a lot easier to assume that God is like our dad, because we’ve experienced in a tangible, visible way what our dads are like and assume from that experience that we know what a dad does. But here’s the thing, God can not be “like” anyone, because he IS. Instead of looking to your earthly father to understand God, look to God to understand what a father should be. Our Father is gracious and kind, slow to anger. Abounding in love, steadfastly faithful. In control but not controlling. He is mercy and grace. He never leaves. He is good, He is untainted by sin. He is protector and defender, provider and giver of good gifts. Maybe your earthly father is as clear a reflection of God as a human can allow, or maybe his own brokenness shattered the mirror to bits. Or maybe his mirror is cracked in a few places, but the reflection is still there. Spend a few ...