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Showing posts from 2012

Check Yo' Facts, People

The number of Christians spewing Rachel Scott's father's speech after Columbine all over Facebook and via email is unbelieveable. Sure, it applies to the Newton shooting, but guess what??! Contrary to popular opinion, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE NEWTON SHOOTING. He made that speech after the Colombine shooting in 1999. (Link above takes you to the record of the speech) Christians, please check your facts before you present heresay as truth! I remember one time in high school everybody was passing around a chain email that said Mars was the closest to earth it would ever be, and to go look at the stars on a particular night to see it. Well, without checking our facts, we went with some friends to the observatory at the local university to view the sights. When we asked about Mars, the professor was like, "uhh, did you get an email?? Because Mars is as far away from earth as possible right now..." It pays to do your homework, people. Did we believe any of the ...

Seriously, People.

A top article on a news website this morning was what the wives of the Presidential candidates wore to the debate.  The first paragraph states the Michelle Obama "re-wore" her dress.  Seriously, people?  As long as they have on clothes, WHO CARES??  And if I spent as much money on a dress as I'm sure she must have, why would I not wear it again?!  This is really a news-worthy tidbit of information?! The fundamental problem with our political system is not the candidates, or the economy, or the issues.  The problem is us.  We vote, and then we complain...on Facebook.  Sure, out political system is broken, but it was designed to have our input on issues.  Don't complain on Facebook-- email or call your reps.  Pay attention to the laws and such passing through the lawmaking bodies. Honestly, this election for me is a matter of choosing the least worst candidate.  I don't like either of them.  But if I list out my is...

I Planned.

I think I realized the fundamental problem with my life. I generally begin statements with "I plan..." or "I will..." or "I won't..."  Notice a pattern?  " I ".  As long as "I" is the central part of my decision making process, I'm going to fail.  His power is made perfect when I am weak.  Which is now. Then I add qualifiers to those statements, especially when I'm talking to God: "I will.... if you would just.. ."  as if I can tell him that what I'm going to do that depends on him keeping a bargain he never agreed to. When I actually pay attention to the details of the biblical "heroes", I realize that they're not heroes at all.  They are humans with many, many faults.  Moses had a speech impediment, and God called him to be the spokesperson for the entire Israelite nation.  Gideon was a coward, and God chose him to lead an army.  How ever reluctantly it happened, they allowed God to work ...

God Can't Fit in a Box

This morning I went to Saint James Missionary Baptist Church. It is a true, southern "black" church (that's probably not politically correct, but it is what it is).  For a reserved little white girl, it was an experience!  But definitely a good one, and one I will repeat before the summer is over.  I'm sure that many people in both my church here and my church back home would have critiqued, belittled, or just plain freaked out during the service.  People clap, sway, dance, respond during the prayers and sermons, and just generally participate.  That, I think, was what struck me most.  They weren't there as spectators, but rather as a group of people brought together with the purpose of praising Jesus and encouraging each other. Corporate prayer there takes on a new meaning.  It is actually corporate, not just one person praying while everyone listens.  The pastor prays, and you can hear emphatic "popcorn" agreement throughout the prayer.  ...


Graduation is fast approaching.  I feel like Rapunzel in Tangled.... You know, the part where she's on her "I'm so happy...I'm a terrible daughter" roller coaster?  Yep, that's me.  I'm so excited about being done with homework, but then there's the thing of finding a for-real, permanent job... no more real summers. After spending four years studying one particular thing, I know *several* of us who are not super excited about our majors.  However, with the job market the way it is and the loans situation the way it is, we are all most likely not going to get our dream job.  After doing homework for core classes I really wasn't interested in for four years, I know how hard it is to do something well if you don't have a passion for it, or even a little bit of interest.  Knowing that we might not get jobs we naturally have a passion for right off the bat, we have to figure out how to make the most of our situations, and find meaning...