As I'm approaching my quarter-century-versary, I've been thinking about what wisdom I have to offer to the young whippersnappers. I don't have much. But there are a few things I've learned (the hard way is most often my learning style...).
Don't make the mistake of thinking someday you'll "arrive" in your faith and have it all together.
Stay teachable to the best of your ability. If you feel too confident in what you know about God, the Bible,etc., take a step back and remember how awesomely huge God is. Don't be like the pharisees and assume because you're a generally good person that you've got it figured out. God will make sure something happens that reminds you of that, and it probably won't be a good time.
Make life a great big learning experience.
Any time you have the opportunity to watch someone do something or try a new thing, take it. Watch the piano tuner. Hold the flashlight for the plumber. Pump the brake pedal for the guy flushing your brake lines. Balance your parents' checkbook. Volunteer to cook dinner. Offer to help a neighbor paint their house. Learn, learn, learn.
You are not "entitled" to ANYTHING.
Not the air you breathe, the car you drive, the food you eat. Nothing is free, nothing should be handed to you on a silver platter, and you aren't above doing the dishes. The only way you get anywhere is by working. Hard. If you need help, that's fine- only take what you absolutely need, and be willing to give when someone else has a need. American kids need to get back to the point where it's humiliating to be career welfare scammers. Be thankful for what you have.
Chill out.
No matter the problem, freaking out won't solve it. Take a breath. Approach it logically. Don't sit there and hyperventilate, pray and do something.
That's all I got...
Don't make the mistake of thinking someday you'll "arrive" in your faith and have it all together.
Stay teachable to the best of your ability. If you feel too confident in what you know about God, the Bible,etc., take a step back and remember how awesomely huge God is. Don't be like the pharisees and assume because you're a generally good person that you've got it figured out. God will make sure something happens that reminds you of that, and it probably won't be a good time.
Make life a great big learning experience.
Any time you have the opportunity to watch someone do something or try a new thing, take it. Watch the piano tuner. Hold the flashlight for the plumber. Pump the brake pedal for the guy flushing your brake lines. Balance your parents' checkbook. Volunteer to cook dinner. Offer to help a neighbor paint their house. Learn, learn, learn.
You are not "entitled" to ANYTHING.
Not the air you breathe, the car you drive, the food you eat. Nothing is free, nothing should be handed to you on a silver platter, and you aren't above doing the dishes. The only way you get anywhere is by working. Hard. If you need help, that's fine- only take what you absolutely need, and be willing to give when someone else has a need. American kids need to get back to the point where it's humiliating to be career welfare scammers. Be thankful for what you have.
Chill out.
No matter the problem, freaking out won't solve it. Take a breath. Approach it logically. Don't sit there and hyperventilate, pray and do something.
That's all I got...
I don't suppose you sent me a slice of the cake...