As I’ve been thinking about what I want my focus to be this next year, the two words that come to mind are remember and expect. Currently, I don’t have a great relationship with those words. When your whole life (ok that’s a LITTLE dramatic but sometimes it sure feels that way can I get an amen 😫) seems like it’s been one. thing. after. another, it’s easy to get to a place where you can only remember the hard and you start to expect that the rest of life will continue to suck. You become apathetic. Cynical. And a delightful ray of sunshine to be around 🙄.
I was reading Deuteronomy 8, in which Moses reminds the Israelites what God did for them in the forty years since leaving Egypt- forty years that, from a human point of view, seemed like a pointless, dead-end waste of time. It was miserable. It made no sense. And yet, God was in the details: they did not lack anything they needed. Moses also reminded them to expect what God had promised them, even though at that moment they were still in 40-year-old clothes in the desert.
Remembering fuels expectation. The more I remember of what God has done and how he has worked in my life in the past year, the more I expect that he can’t possibly be finished with my life. My goal for 2020 is to expect God to do stuff and to record and remember the instances, no matter how small, when he does.
Remember & Expect
I was reading Deuteronomy 8, in which Moses reminds the Israelites what God did for them in the forty years since leaving Egypt- forty years that, from a human point of view, seemed like a pointless, dead-end waste of time. It was miserable. It made no sense. And yet, God was in the details: they did not lack anything they needed. Moses also reminded them to expect what God had promised them, even though at that moment they were still in 40-year-old clothes in the desert.
Remembering fuels expectation. The more I remember of what God has done and how he has worked in my life in the past year, the more I expect that he can’t possibly be finished with my life. My goal for 2020 is to expect God to do stuff and to record and remember the instances, no matter how small, when he does.
Remember & Expect
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