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Things Can't be "Christian"

I usually tend to write about things that bug me. In case you hadn't noticed that yet.

Today's Soapbox:

Stuff can't be "Christian".

There's no such thing as a "Christian" band.
There's no such thing as a "Christian" song.
There's no such thing as a "Christian" movie.
There's no such thing as a "Christian" home.

Now, before you jump down my throat with cries of heresy, hear me out.

My Greek is limited to Blue Letter Bible, but as best I can figure, the Greek for "Christian" is transliterated as Christianos. It is a proper noun meaning "Christian, follower of Christ." The Greek word is used three times in the New Testament. The first use is in Acts:

Acts 11:26- For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.

It should be pretty obvious from the above that it's people who are Christians, not stuff. Christian is a noun, not an adjective. At no time in scripture does Paul or Peter or James or Luke ever mention anything about anyone making a Christian tent, or writing a Christian letter, or taking a Christian journey, or eating a Christian meal. What does happen is Christians make tents, write letters, take journeys, and eat. See the difference?

"Christian" isn't some thing, it's you.

Probably the most interesting part of the Acts verse is the meaning of the word translated as "called."

chrēmatizō - to assume or take to one's self a name from one's public business.

Talk about lost in translation! Saying "called Christians" here isn't just a nickname, like calling Joseph "Joey". The early believers were "called Christians" because they made following Christ their PUBLIC BUSINESS. Everyone knew who they were because of how they acted.

Christians have bands, and Christ should be glorified through their performances.
Christians write songs, and Christ's character should be proclaimed for all to hear.
Christians produce movies, and Christ's message of hope should resound throughout.
Christians make homes, and Christ should be the center.

Getting this confused is a major problem. Even in my house growing up, the emphasis was put on things needing to be "Christian" in order to be approved. The emphasis should instead be on you needing to be a Christian in order to be approved by God. It's dangerous to assume that because you listen to "Christian" music and watch "Christian" movies, you yourself are a Christian. Things take on the principles and characteristics of their users and makers, not the other way around. If your heart is not right with God, it doesn't matter what you surround yourself with.

[Lecrae has a great sermon on this topic here]


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