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Showing posts from February, 2020

Being Seen

With health challenges, I’ve sometimes wished for someone to say “wow, I’m impressed” when I do normal and mandatory things like go to work or go grocery shopping because honestly, sometimes accomplishing this feels like I’ve just finished an Iron Man triathlon or hell week with the Marines 🙄. I don’t think I’m the only one that normal things can feel like Mt. Everest for. I think the mom who’s baby is teething and hasn’t slept in a week and still manages to do the laundry and cook dinner wants to hear “good job, keep going”. I think the person struggling to get up in the morning, weighed down by depression wants to hear “good job, keep going”. I think the person who’s applied to a million jobs and still can’t find one wants to hear “good job, keep going”. Because “good job, keep going” means “I see you. I know what it took for you to _____.” And who doesn’t want to be seen?? Text someone right now whose life is a being a little extra and remind them that you see them ♥️. It matters.