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Showing posts from 2014

Be Nike.

5:50AM- *beep-beep, beep-bee--* 6:03AM- "Top bunk to bottom bunk: Psst!" "WHHAATTTT." "You awake?" "Nooo." "Yeah me neither. I don't wanna get up." "Nope. The rain makes it so cozy." "Ok. Let's don't. We can work out later." *scrunches back under the covers* 8:12AM- *GGRRRRRRRRRR!!!* ^That's the sound of my consciousness stabbing me and yelling "You failed again at getting up early and getting stuff done before leaving for work! You suck at discipline!" Why yes, yes I do. And some day, that realization is going to smart worse than just a guilty conscience. I'm an American softie. Sure, I'm tougher than some, maybe tougher than average (that's probably wishful thinking, but hey- one can dream), but I am not a disciplined person. I set a goal to work out 6 days a week this summer-- that lasted 3 weeks. I set a goal to memorize 1 Peter 1-- I made ...


In an effort to enlighten myself about what the heck I should do to not be considered a time-waster and unsuccessful person, I googled "list of successful people". Options for who I can grow up to be like include: -Oprah Winfrey. -Walt Disney. -RH Macy. -Charles Darwin. -Vincent Van Gogh. -Bill Gates. -Thomas Edison. -Emily Dickinson. -The Beatles. -Babe Ruth. I guess to be successful I need a platform, a small (or massive) fortune, business and tech smarts, "creativity" (if that's what you call cutting off your ear) and a killer batting average (at least, I think that's what Babe Ruth was famous for... or pitching arm? I dunno). Not that all those things are bad, but... So I moved on to thinking of who would be considered successful in God's eyes. Google was absolutely no help with this so I did it myself: -George Mueller. -Mary Slessor. -Gladys Aylward. -Hudson Taylor. -Nate Saint. - Ina York . -My mom. -Many, many other peopl...

In Everything, Give Thanks

My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last week. Suddenly, our lives are going to be very different. While my head knows the Lord’s promises, and I can say yeah, God will use this for His glory somehow, my heart has been avoiding Him- except to fling questions at Him. Why my dad, God? He’s always tried to serve You and teach us to do the same. He hasn’t done any of the common things that people blame cancer on. Why him? This morning, I decided I’d just skip my Bible time because I really just didn’t want to talk to God today. So I read my mindless fiction book instead… And about two pages in, the bishop in the book was preaching a sermon on Paul’s instructions to give thanks in all circumstances. Blast. I suppose the “you can run but you can’t hide” statement is never more accurate than when we’re talking about God. At least God got my attention while reading a harmless book and I didn’t have to spend time in a whale’s stomach.  So this morning, I’m making a list of...

A Note About My Siblings

The Original Siblings These are the "siblings". With the last three of the bunch graduating high school this year, I think it's an appropriate time to introduce them. On the left is Liz. An accounting major, she provides the common sense in the bunch. And thanks to her love of musicals, we all are a little more cultured. Next is Aaron. If you're ever in a jam, he'll be the first to help you out. And he'll make you laugh very hard in the process. Then Steph. Whether you've known her for 10 minutes or 10 years, she'll make you feel like an old friend. And she's often responsible for the-- never mind. It's classified. And Nick. Nick can hack your database or take a perfectly composed picture of a sunrise, depending on the day. And he's also got car ride composition covered. Abby. You'll know Abby's been there by the trail of little children tagging along after her. And she keeps us classy in word and deed. Finally Mica...

God Does Speak. I Just Don't Hear.

God has been silent lately. Scratch that. I've been deaf lately. I've been thoroughly discontent with where I am in life, and have been (nearly frantically) searching for a new place, a new job, the next thing, a new adventure... anything, really, so long as it's different. I didn't have peace about where I am, but I also didn't have peace about anything that I looked into. And quite frankly, I didn't find much to actually look into if I wanted to like, eat and stuff. After several months of frustration and stress, I'm finally getting it. I'm supposed to be here for another indefinite amount of time. For what reason, I'm not sure yet. But I have peace. While I've been saying "HELLOOOOOO, GOD, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE DOING? WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING TO ME? REMEMBER ME???", He's been saying "keep doing what you're doing". I just don't pay attention. Hint #1: Not finding anything that looked interesting or be...

Called to Stay

I get jealous of people who get to GO and make disciples. Probably because I only hear the highlights and the "wow!" moments, I have this idea that it is the ultimate level of ministry. Somehow staying here in comfortable American just doesn't seem to be on the same spiritual level of going to a physically uncomfortable place and spending long hours on Bible translation or church planting. But as much as I want to GO, I can't get past the feeling that, for now, I have been called to STAY. In being called to stay, I'm saying that.... -I'm called to make Christ known everywhere I go, whether it's the bank, the grocery store, or the thrift store (actually, those are kind of the only places I do go... so... yeah). -I'm called to disciple those around me who do believe. -I'm called to care for the widows and orphans in my little world. -I'm called to give sacrificially . -I'm called to take risks by faith to bring people to Chris...