*beep-beep, beep-bee--*
"Top bunk to bottom bunk: Psst!"
"You awake?"
"Yeah me neither. I don't wanna get up."
"Nope. The rain makes it so cozy."
"Ok. Let's don't. We can work out later."
*scrunches back under the covers*
^That's the sound of my consciousness stabbing me and yelling "You failed again at getting up early and getting stuff done before leaving for work! You suck at discipline!"
Why yes, yes I do. And some day, that realization is going to smart worse than just a guilty conscience. I'm an American softie. Sure, I'm tougher than some, maybe tougher than average (that's probably wishful thinking, but hey- one can dream), but I am not a disciplined person.
I set a goal to work out 6 days a week this summer-- that lasted 3 weeks.
I set a goal to memorize 1 Peter 1-- I made it to verse 9 over the course of 4 MONTHS .
I set a goal to read the Bible chronologically in 3 months-- I'm waaaaaaaayyyyyyy behind.
Watch/read the news. There's going to come a day when I can't know enough scripture by heart. There's going to come a day when I need to kick some serious butt. And I'm not going to know it and I'm not going to be able to do it. Suddenly those cozy rainy mornings are going to seem very, very un-cozy.
If I wanted to sound semi-spiritual, I would say that my problem is all the "I"s. That I shouldn't rely on myself, that I should rely on God's strength in the mornings to get up, and so on and so forth. Sure, I DO need to do that, and I DO need to ask daily for His help... but I also need to--
Just get up.
Just read those chapters.
Just memorize that passage.
Just do the burpees.
Just do it.
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