In an effort to enlighten myself about what the heck I should do to not be considered a time-waster and unsuccessful person, I googled "list of successful people".
Options for who I can grow up to be like include:
-Oprah Winfrey.
-Walt Disney.
-RH Macy.
-Charles Darwin.
-Vincent Van Gogh.
-Bill Gates.
-Thomas Edison.
-Emily Dickinson.
-The Beatles.
-Babe Ruth.
I guess to be successful I need a platform, a small (or massive) fortune, business and tech smarts, "creativity" (if that's what you call cutting off your ear) and a killer batting average (at least, I think that's what Babe Ruth was famous for... or pitching arm? I dunno). Not that all those things are bad, but...
So I moved on to thinking of who would be considered successful in God's eyes. Google was absolutely no help with this so I did it myself:
-George Mueller.
-Mary Slessor.
-Gladys Aylward.
-Hudson Taylor.
-Nate Saint.
-Ina York.
-My mom.
-Many, many other people I'm blessed to know in real life.
When I think of what got these people where they are, I get foolish courage, irrational love, complete dependence, and simple joy. Not exactly the American ideal of Success.
I want to be labeled as successful- who doesn't?. Unfortunately, it's easier to measure myself by the American Dream yardstick that I'm surrounded by because the Christ Follower yardstick often gets shoved in the corner behind checkbook, gym equipment, technology, and work schedule.
But with eternal eyes, this is success:
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
"His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’"
Matthew 25:21
Options for who I can grow up to be like include:
-Oprah Winfrey.
-Walt Disney.
-RH Macy.
-Charles Darwin.
-Vincent Van Gogh.
-Bill Gates.
-Thomas Edison.
-Emily Dickinson.
-The Beatles.
-Babe Ruth.
I guess to be successful I need a platform, a small (or massive) fortune, business and tech smarts, "creativity" (if that's what you call cutting off your ear) and a killer batting average (at least, I think that's what Babe Ruth was famous for... or pitching arm? I dunno). Not that all those things are bad, but...
So I moved on to thinking of who would be considered successful in God's eyes. Google was absolutely no help with this so I did it myself:
-George Mueller.
-Mary Slessor.
-Gladys Aylward.
-Hudson Taylor.
-Nate Saint.
-Ina York.
-My mom.
-Many, many other people I'm blessed to know in real life.
When I think of what got these people where they are, I get foolish courage, irrational love, complete dependence, and simple joy. Not exactly the American ideal of Success.
I want to be labeled as successful- who doesn't?. Unfortunately, it's easier to measure myself by the American Dream yardstick that I'm surrounded by because the Christ Follower yardstick often gets shoved in the corner behind checkbook, gym equipment, technology, and work schedule.
But with eternal eyes, this is success:
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
"His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’"
Matthew 25:21
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